Sunday, May 9, 2010

who is buddha???

Today weather is very hot so at that time realize dhamma is really peaceful place. I met my best friend after 13 year later, he ask me what is your religion. I told him Buddha. I told him until now I don't believe god.
He argue me, buddha is god. That why I would like to share you who is buddha.

The Buddha claimed no place for Himself in His Own Dhamma.

The Buddha did not promise to give salvation. He said He was Marga Data (Way Finder) and not Moksha Data (Giver of Salvation).
 The Buddha did not claim any Divinity for Himself or for His Dhamma. It was discovered by man for man. It was not a Revelation.

Following photo I shot when I was last time buddha pilgrimage.

Buddha Gaya Main temple statue.
My favourite Buddha statue in India.

Buddha Gaya

Japan buddha

Kushinagar last buddh attain navana.
Much metta
Peace Dove International

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