Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Noble eight fold path

The noble eight fold path when I was in Sri Lanka, Nelamba Meditation center,I noted it. I would love to share my blog reader.
Much metta

The Noble eight fold path

The way of leaving that leads to peace and happiness.


(1) Skillful understanding
(2) Skillful intention


(1) Skillful speech
(2) Skillful action
(3) Skillful Livelihood

(1) Skillful effort
(2) Skillful Mindfulness
(3) Skillful meditation

Skillful Understanding

(1) I am the master of my own destiny. I am responsible for my own happiness and unhappiness
(2) All that is subject to arising, is subject to ceasing and is not self.
(3) Reality is impersonal
(4) I can find aw out of suffering through a spiritual discipline
(5) I don’t believe things blindly. I check them for myself.
(6) I learn to accept things as they are.

Skillful Intention

(1) I aspire to truth, beauty and goodness.
(2) I don’t expect contentment from this worldly life,. I realize samaras cannot provide it.
(3) Wanting to known the meaning of life, I am not content with material wealth, comfort and security alone.
(4) I aspire to know the truth and realize that this planet earth is not my real home.
(5) I am not the body, thought or emotions. These are just phenomena.
(6) All worldly desire end in discontent (dukkha). The only desire truly worth following is desire for liberation (Nibbana)
(7) Our attachment to things that changes creates our suffering.

Skillful Speech

(1) I say only what is helpful and true and at the appropriate time.
(2) I avoid lying, slander, gossip, back biting, harsh or abusive language, overrating and understanding meaningless chatter.

Skillful Action

(1) I help other with and empty mind, free from personal desire for gain.
(2) I don’t cause harm to any living being including myself.
(3) I live according to the five precepts.

Skillful Livelihood
(1) Works is a means to be useful and purposeful, a means for purification.
(2) Work done with full awareness is love in action.
(3) I act with an open, honest and unselfish heart.
(4) I don’t earn a living by anything that could hurt myself or other beings, or that goes against the precepts.

Skillful Effort
(1) I practice the four supreme effort in daily life.
(2) Not to let an unwholesome though arise that has not yet arisen.
(3) To make a wholesome though continue that has already arisen.
(4) In my meditation practice, I return to the meditation object over and over again.
(5) Right effort is wholesome in itself irrespective or result.
(6) I generate the necessary effort to live according to the five previous aspects of the noble eight fold path.

Skillful Mindfulness
I use the four foundation of mindfulness in my meditation.
(1) Mindfulness of the body, action, movements and breath.
(2) Mindfulness of feeling, physical sensations and emotions.
(3) Mindfulness of states of mind, being aware of though.
(4) Mindfulness of minds objects; knowing whether the though is wholesome or unwholesome and knowing their mechanisms
In daily life I live attentively mindfulness.

Skillful Meditation
(1) I skillful refine the mind, thereby developing concentrations, equanimity and awareness.

May I and all other beings evolve towards Nibbina.

Nimlabay Meditation Center (2006)

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